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Covid made us realize that How important immunity is to live a healthy life? Since the virus got surged, our mothers started forcing us to drink various herbal drinks and fruits to boost our immunity.

This pandemic made us realized that one has to imbibe daily nutrition’s for a healthy immune. No one can boost it in a day or two. One has to start taking various types of foods regularly to make our immune system strong.

If you love to have better immunity, Let’s change your diet by including below mentioned foods.


Being Indian’s our mothers always forced us to have yogurt in our meals, as she knew that fermented food keeps our immune system strong. Along with yogurt, we can include other fermented foods in our daily diet like olives, pickles.

Try on

Talking about summers and yogurt mango frozen yogurt is such a delight to us.


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Image by- envato

If you are looking for various boosters in one veggie, broccoli is the one. Yes, broccoli packed with lots of vitamins like A, C, E and plenty of antioxidants.

Try on

We all love to have sweeter medicines than bitter one’s. So, if you are ready to boost your immunity, at least I can suggest a tasty meal like broccoli soup.

3.Citrus Fruit

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A day is not over without a lemonade in summers. Citrus fruits are full of vitamin-c and give you instant energy. Be it orange, grapes, lemons, tangerines, all aims to boost our immunity system. Instead of taking vitamin-C tablets or, supplements try having these natural boosters.

Try on

You need to have daily vitamin C for a consistent boost of your immunity. Do you want to have some healthy and tasty to have?, then Citrus tea punches are the best to try on. 

4.Red bell pepper

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Citrus fruits are famous for vitamin C, but as per the fact, red bell peppers have two times more vitamin C than them. Along with beta carotene.

If you want to maintain healthy skin along with boosting your immunity system, go for it.

Try on

If you are a soup fan, you may have roasted bell pepper and tomato soup.


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Summertime is all about mojitos and, watermelon mojito is a damn king for me. Watermelon will give you vitamin C, which will boost your immunity along with refreshment in your busy day.

 Try on

If you also like to spend time with your friends while having some healthy food, watermelon feta salad is one of the best options.


Besides these foods, there are way many types of foods available to boost your immunity system. Just knowing about the food won’t work. Eat every food in a definite quantity, not more or less. Eat them regularly as if you break the consistency, that will not be fruitful.

Start your day by eating right and continue it for a long and healthy journey of life.