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While the idea of art has evolved, art history has emerged to help us categorize changes in art over time and better understand how artists’ creative impulses affect and are formed by their work.

While a painting may appear to be nothing more than splotches and blobs at first glance, up close, the patterns are stunning in their own right, rich in color, intensity, saturation, and texture. When you get near to digital art or a television screen, you’ll see a jumble of distortion and artifacts.

Hats off to all artists who beautifully present their work which seems effortless but we know what kind of hard work and dedication it takes.

Let’s take a look at some of the best Artisans of today’s time.

Komal Drawings

Komal Drawings is an art portal featuring stunning artwork. Her artwork appears to be so natural and vivid that you can’t help but stare at it.

You can DM her on Instagram for commission work.

Lust for Aesthetic by Diksha

Diksha is an artist who enjoys the realm of art. She has a loyal following of customers who adore her artwork. Furthermore, she is open to accepting customization requests. You must visit her page to see some stunning out-of-the-box paintings.

 DM her on Instagram for orders.

Canvas of Life By Afreen

Afreen Perothian is a painter whose paintings speak thousands of words. She is a member of Anupam. You can even get a discount using her code. Moreover, she conducts workshops from time to time for people interested in art.

You can DM her on Instagram for commission work.

The Tinted Palette By Anjana

Anjana G is an Architect and painter specializing in watercolor, Gauche, and photography. She is an instructor at skillshare if you are interested in artwork then  must join her classes.

For details visit her link tree page.

The Tinted Palette by Anjana

Creating From The Heart By Umashree Taparia

Umashree Taparia is a C.A. and an artist. She is a skills instructor, so if you want to learn painting techniques, this is the place to go. Take a look at her page to get amazed by her stunning artwork.

For skillshare classes visit her link tree profile.

Umashree Taparia


Each of these artists has their distinct style and is involved in the artistic community. As a result, they  are a source of motivation for many.

Author- Richa Tiwari